Wednesday Stories of Impact - Wildwood Hills Ranch
Pizza Ranch is a proud partner of Wildwood Hills Ranch. Perry Krosschell, Pizza Ranch’s Chief Vision Officer was able to attend with other members of the Support Center Staff. He stated in a recent Facebook post, “Wildwood Hills Ranch exists to transform lives and strengthen communities by providing healing, hope and God’s unconditional love to at-risk youth and veterans. They use equestrian therapy and leadership programs for up to 10 years…not just for a week. This is all done with 100% full scholarships.”

Tuesday Truths - Gain, Don't Maintain
“If you aren’t getting better, you’re getting worse.” Have you ever heard this saying? While it may not hold true for every situation, it definitely applies to spending time with Jesus and reading the Word. It can be so easy to fall out of the routine of reading the Bible, praying, and spending time with God. However, if we aren’t doing this daily—or even multiple times a day—we risk losing that vital connection.

Monday Mission - Enjoy the Creation
In the past week or two, the mornings have been absolutely perfect in Iowa. They have been clear, calm, and cool. I watched an entire sunrise for the first time in my life with my wife the other day. I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why did it take this long for me to watch a sunrise?” I was blown away by the beauty of God’s creation that morning.

Friday Devotional - Don't be the Weeds
We can’t make a garden grow, but we can definitely be the reason it doesn’t grow! -lack of water -too much water -too much sun -not enough sun, etc. Same goes for community! The Holy Spirit does the work. We are just instruments. The Holy Spirit makes a community or relationship truly grow. We can still be the reason that a community or relationship doesn’t grow though! -Toxic relationships -Constant arguing/debating -Talking behind other’s backs -Selfishness

Thursday Thoughts - Praise Song
Amazing song of Praise by Elevlation Worship, below is the song and a few of the lyrics at the bottom is the link to entire Elevlation Worship Praise lyrics. Enjoy and Praise the Lord!

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Lakeville, MN Future Pizza Makers
Lakeville, MN had a great event on September 19th. Teaching youth all about Pizza Ranch.

Tuesday Truths - Psalms 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, OGod and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday Mission - Comfortable Environment
Today we are looking at a comfortable environment. When we think about comfort here is a few words:

Friday Devotional - House Guest
Have you stayed overnight at someone’s house before? What do you expect when you stay at someone’s house?

Thursday Thought - What is the theme of Psalm 119?
At 176 total verses, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. And although it carries many themes and instructions, there is one…

Wednesday Story of Impact - North Liberty, IA Pizza Ranch
Dateline: August, 2024, North Liberty, IA A newly built Pizza Ranch located in North Liberty, IA opened its doors in August, 2024. In a way…

Tuesday Truth - How to not sin against God
Psalm 119:11 says- "I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You." This is a clear instruction on one…