Thursday Video - Gaining Perspective
Watch Sam Houston State's Baseball Coach, Matt Deggs, share his story of how he was broken and how God saved him giving him new…

Thursday Video - Harlan Pizza Ranch Owner Shares Her Story
Restaurant owner, Jackie, shares her Pizza Ranch story with us.

Thursday Video
Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks.

Thursday Video - Work for the Glory of God
One year ago I shared "My why" for being with Pizza Ranch and it's connected to the purpose or Vision of our company, "To glorify God by positively impacting the world."

Thursday Video- Ray Vander Laan on "Green Pastures"
This four minute video may open your eyes to see more clearly what God is saying in Psalm 23:2 and other Scripture references when the phrase "Green Pastures" is mentioned.

Thursday Clip - Jesus is Enough
While this clip is a little longer than most of the ones we share, I wanted to share this message with you as it had an impact on my heart. JESUS. IS. ENOUGH. Praying that Jesus is enough for YOU today, tomorrow, and always. May you feel the power of that truth in your life.

Thursday Video - Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Although not a traditional Christian holiday, it’s certainly a great opportunity to express our appreciation to those we love.

Thursday Video - Your Existence
What is your obsession?

Thursday Video - Manager Feature
Check out how Pizza Ranch has impacted Edward's life:

Thursday Video
Incredible Testimony

Thursday Video - Songs for Devotions
Sometimes your heart and soul can't find the words to worship in prayer. When that happens for me I turn on some praise and worship music and let the melodies fill me through the Holy Spirit.

Thursday Video - Family Memories at Pizza Ranch
Holiday's are fun times where families come together to celebrate and remember.