Thursday Thoughts - "Even If"
"I know the sorrow, I know the hurt Would all go away if You'd just say the word But even if You don't My hope is You alone"

Thursday Thoughts - Our Steps
It wasn't more than a few months ago that I helped my 1 year old learn to walk. Every night I would take both…

Thursday Thoughts - Healthcare Professionals
To our Healthcare professionals we thank you! You are dedicated, loving, serving, inspiring, thoughtful, respected, needed, and so very important to us! Thank you…

Thursday Thoughts: Making Decisions
Do you ever had big decisions to make and you don’t know which way to go? I recently had a one of those situations and after praying about it for awhile, I still didn’t feel like I had a clear answer from God about which direction I should go.

Thursday Truths - It's a great day to serve the Lord
This is a great reminder that no matter what we do, we can serve God

Thursday Video - 12 Days of Christmas
How "12 Days of Pizza" came to be…

Thursday Thoughts - Serving
On Monday we talked about God being dangerous! In November we had a team of 10 to go to Jamaica and they challenged themselves…

Thursday Thoughts - Christmas Trivia
As I was looking online for some Christmas games to play with a group of kids, I came across some Christmas Trivia Questions. How well do you know the Christmas story from the Bible?

Thursday Thought - Still Relevant
It is estimated that over 20 Million Bibles are sold EACH YEAR. The stories, the parables, and the promises in the Holy Bible that…

Thursday Video - I AM THEY
We are so excited to have an opportunity to worship with the band, I AM THEY when they come to Northwest Iowa for the annual RiseFest music festival! Music is one of the.....

Thursday Video - Emmett's Impact Night
Yesterday we introduced you to Emmett's story, a boy from Orange City, IA who suffered a stroke. Monday, April 15 a group of Emmett's family, friends, and classmates, with their parents, worked hard to raise funds to help with some of Emmett's medical expenses. The Orange City Pizza Ranch had a tremendous turnout and the workers had an incredible time coming together for this cause.

Thursday Video - God of All My Days
God's in control of all of our days and can be trusted in all situations.