Pizza Ranch Serves

Decorated Christmas tree

Thursday Thoughts - Christmas Trivia

As I was looking online for some Christmas games to play with a group of kids, I came across some Christmas Trivia Questions. How well do you know the Christmas story from the Bible? 

John the Baptist

Thursday Video - I AM THEY

We are so excited to have an opportunity to worship with the band, I AM THEY when they come to Northwest Iowa for the annual RiseFest music festival! Music is one of the.....

Thursday Video

Thursday Video - Emmett's Impact Night

Yesterday we introduced you to Emmett's story, a boy from Orange City, IA who suffered a stroke. Monday, April 15 a group of Emmett's family, friends, and classmates, with their parents, worked hard to raise funds to help with some of Emmett's medical expenses. The Orange City Pizza Ranch had a tremendous turnout and the workers had an incredible time coming together for this cause.

Earth from space

Thursday Clip - Jesus is Enough

While this clip is a little longer than most of the ones we share, I wanted to share this message with you as it had an impact on my heart. JESUS. IS. ENOUGH. Praying that Jesus is enough for YOU today, tomorrow, and always. May you feel the power of that truth in your life.