Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thought - Your Steps

Proverbs 16:9 "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." I've been humbled yet encouraged over the last 4 months. Realized…

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

Thursday Thought - Created to Work

This week our family started a bible reading plan - so straight to Genesis we went. And despite having read this dozens of times before, I learned something new. There are only 2 chapters in the Bible where everything is perfect. Genesis 1-2.

US Flag with sun shining through

Thursday Thought - National Day of Prayer - TODAY!

Join our great county in one of our greatest hours of need by praying. Today all across the United States, Americans will participate in this, our country’s National Day of Prayer. In past years I’ve appreciated this day, and the reminder that it brought of the importance of prayer. But this year feels different, because it is different.