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Thursday Thoughts - Perfect Prayer

Have you ever tried explaining your feelings to someone and you just can’t seem to articulate the words in a way to get the other person to understand how you truly felt? Or have you ever told someone a funny story that, to you was hilarious, but to them wasn’t as funny, and then needing to add the statement, “You just had to be there.”

Airplane wing, sky, and ground below

Thursday Thought - Masterpiece

There are some things that take your breath away... and make you ponder God's greatness! One of those moments for me is when in an airplane. Just look at God's creation!

stairway leading out of a cave

Thursday Thought - A Way of Escape

This week as we have talked about self-control & self-discipline, one verse that should bring comfort to all believers can be found in 1 Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Thursday Thought - Light of the World

There are many reasons why I’m thankful that I wasn’t born 100+ years ago: I like air-conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. Despite my best efforts, I’m a terrible gardener (maybe this summer will be the year!). Cooking is fun for me, but not when I must make 3 meals every day until I die.

Hand reaching out to sun over a lake.

Thursday Thoughts - When You Don’t Feel Like It

We all struggle with spiritual discouragement and lethargy. Some days our circumstances threaten to overwhelm us, and we struggle just to pray. Many times we just don’t feel like doing the things we know we should. For one reason or another, God sometimes seems far off and unreachable.