Tuesday Truths – Kind Words
Monday Mission – Happy May Day!
Do you know the tradition associated with May Day? You give small baskets of flowers or sweet treats, usually anonymously, on your neighbor’s doorsteps. How fun would it be to return home to find a small treasure on your doorstep?! Your Monday Mission is to find a way to leave everyone you encounter with a […]
Friday Devotional – Is there life after death?
This is a question that all people ask themselves at some point. All the early historical books indicate this desire to know what happens when one dies. The Old Testament talks about it some…but not a lot. It seems to be more like a confident hope. The great age of philosophy discussed it a lot […]
Thursday Video – Even If by Mercy Me
Stories of Impact – Luverne, MN
On April 10 a fundraiser was held at the Luverne Pizza Ranch for Lexy Smook. Here is an excerpt from her GoFundMe account: “My sister, Lexy Smook, mother of two beautiful children, wife, Army Veteran, and friend to many – is going through a very difficult medical situation. On Saturday March 18, Lexy underwent an […]
Tuesday Truths – Psalm 46:10
“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” – Psalm 46:10
Monday Mission – When We are Struggling
A friend of mine recently received some bad news that would affect their life in a very negative way. I was devastated, to say the least, to hear of this. I went for a walk – to get away and think through the situation in the quiet of the day rather than remain in the […]
Friday Devotional
He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. — Isaiah 53:5 (NIV) Flogged… Bits of glass and rocks shredded the flesh of His back…. Crucified… Nailed to the rough wood of the cross and left hanging […]
Thursday Video – Crucifixion site of Jesus?
A ‘skull’, garden & tomb (the likely site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus of Nazareth) Video
Stories of Impact – A Day of Prayer at Pizza Ranch
We invite our Pizza Ranch Serves family to join us in worship, prayer, and fasting in the locations you find yourself in on April 19. We will be taking the day to pray for those who enter our restaurants, for employees and staff, for vendors, and for our neighbors. Consider fasting from something in your […]
Tuesday Truths – Our Lord Jesus has defeated death and is risen!
Monday Mission – Believe
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Chris, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31