Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Easter Blessing

As Easter weekend approaches, consider ways that you can be a blessing to others as Jesus was a blessing to all of us. Is there a friend that you need to ask forgiveness of? Is there a coworker going through a hard time that could use an uplifting e-mail? Do you have a family member […]

Friday Devotional – How to Live a Brave and Beautiful Life

What do you think of when you picture someone who lives a brave life? … maybe a solider, a missionary? What do you think of when you picture someone who lives a beautiful life? … Kate Middleton, the person who appears to “have it all?” One of the Proverbs 31 devotionals is based on Psalm […]

Monday Mission – It’s All Yours, God Part 1

*Note: Several days this week, Pizza Ranch Serves will center on the idea of “It’s All Yours, God”.  This is part 1* Because we live in God’s world, today’s encouragement is to use what God has given us in a way that is efficient, and to encourage others around you to do the same.  This …

Friday Devotional – Racing

This morning for devotions we looked at racing.  For those of you that have ever run a race, you know there is a big difference between running the race to complete it or to run the race to win it.  I have run a number of races in my life, but I don’t ever remember […]

Friday Devotional – “Opposing Forces”

John 10:10 gives us a glimpse of what Jesus saw as the two opposing forces that we deal with in life: “The thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.”  Call it darkness, evil, sin, or Satan….but it leads to a way of Death. To steal our joy, time, and values. To kill who we […]