Friday Devotional – It Matters!
Can you believe all the talk about politics on Facebook. And how difficult it is to read these days . There’s so much frustration out there. So many negative discussions. It’s baffling how people can look at the very same thing and come away with totally different viewpoints. Even to the point of arguing and […]
Thursday Video – Lord, Hear our Cry
Stories of Impact – Columbus, NE
A school in Columbus, NE has a program called the Snack Pack they take a back pack and fill it with 2 entrees, 2 snacks, 2 desserts and then on Friday children who are less fortunate will get a meal for the weekend in the Snack Pack. The Pizza Ranch in Columbus donated 150 small […]
Tuesday Truths – A New Person
Monday Mission – New Year, New Plans, New Habits
Would you like to become a new person in 2017? Just make one small change. Do it now, then repeat it each day. When you meditate on God’s Word every day, over time, those few minutes will add up to a big change. Check out “You Version” Bible App, they have a lot of great […]
Friday Devotional – Being Willing
Have you ever gone on a trip where you didn’t have to plan anything? There were no worries, except to show up and enjoy. Each day brought a new adventure. Everything was carefully planned out by whoever set it up…maybe a tour guide. All you had to be was willing to follow. Wouldn’t it be great […]
Thursday Video – Set a Fire
May this song be an encouragement and inspiration to allow God to start a fire in your soul to chase a dream in 2017! Video
Stories of Impact – Joel Penton
Take a look at this short video from our ministry partners, Stand for Truth. Joel Penton and the band “Attaboy” are doing amazing work visiting youth and school systems within our Pizza Ranch towns chain wide! Their work is, no doubt, having lasting impact for years to come! Thanks for all you do Joel and […]
Tuesday Truths – Every Morning
Monday Mission – Resolutions
There is Still Time to Plan for Improvement and a Pursue Your Dreams 2017 What New Year’s resolutions or improvement plans have you made to pursue your dreams in 2017? Don’t worry if you have not done this yet, be encouraged as there is still time. As the famous Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true if we […]
Friday Devotional – Attracted to What?
John 6 opens with the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 out in a deserted area by the Sea of Galilee. When the people saw his miracles, they became so consumed with him that they were ready to follow him anywhere. And they did. Even when Jesus slipped away, walking out to his disciples out […]
Thursday Video – Can you be over saved?