Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Able

What does it mean to be “able”? defines “able” in this way: able [ey-buh l] /ˈeɪ bəl/  adjective, abler, ablest. having necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications; qualified: able to lift a two-hundred-pound weight; able to write music; able to travel widely; able to vote. having unusual or superior intelligence, skill, etc.: an able […]

Friday Devotional – Sing

Today we looked at Psalm 104:33 “I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” This week as I was preparing for today’s devotional time I was struggling on a topic! As many or you know I drive a lot for work and […]

Stories of Impact – Lifelight

A Conversation at Life Light. For many reasons, this was a different LifeLight: a yearly Christian Music festival south of Sioux Falls SD, a ministry Pizza Ranch supports.  One of the differences was Sunday night when within an hour of each other you would hear Michael W. Smith and then LeCrae.  You couldn’t get any […]

Monday Mission – Make It More Real

Our vision is “To glorify God by positively impacting the world.” Sometimes the word world seems so remote and removed by us.  To make it be more real, this week identify a person you intend to impact and how you are going to do that. For example, “this week I’m going to impact John Smith, […]

Tuesday Truth – Luke 6:37

Luke 6:37 New International Version “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

Monday Mission – Uphill Hopes

“Everything worthwhile in life is an uphill climb. Most people have uphill hopes but downhill habits.” – John Maxwell Joshua climbed uphill his entire life and he led the Israelites into The Promised land. I want to develop uphill habits so I can someday die the way Joshua did-still climbing with other following; fulfilled, confident, […]

Friday Devotional – Where’s Your Identity Found?

Today we’re looking at the story of John the Baptist, as the Jewish leaders come to question his identity. They wanted to know if John claimed to be the Messiah, or was he one of the great prophets who was expected to return at the coming of the Messiah.  I love how John answers.  He knew […]