Pizza Ranch Serves

Stories of Impact – St. Joseph, MO

December 12th: Fourth Annual St. Joe “Signs of the Season” Toy Drive. St. Joe’s Business are collecting $10 gifts that will go to children living in the YWCA Shelter. The Pizza Ranch in St. Joe collected toys during their soft openings to help the children at the YWCA Shelter.

Monday Mission – Are you ready for Christmas?

In the busyness of the holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted that we forget why we’re even celebrating: the gift of Immanuel, “God with us.” During this season leading up to Christmas try and reflect on the miracle of God choosing to enter the world in human form. (You Version Bible App has some great […]

Friday Devotional – The Case For Jesus

THE BIBLE: Most sold, celebrated, and debated manuscript in existence.  The oldest and most reliable documents discovered.  Continually transmitted accurately.  The Bibles Old Testament points to the life of Christ.  The New Testament is about the life, death , and resurrection of Christ.  And all that comes with Him. SCRIPTURE: ***300 prophecies that came true […]

Stories of Impact – The Bridge

This week the Pizza Ranch Support Center had a group who went out to help support the needs of a local facility called “The Bridge”,  that is devoted to helping support women in need.  We were able to help paint an apartment room and to organize a massive closet of supplies and donations.  What a […]

Monday Mission – Prepare

Last week we had the opportunity to reflect on all the stories and blessings in our lives that we were thankful for. Thanksgiving helps us to prepare for the upcoming season of Christ’s birth and open our hearts to the most wondrous story of them all! Be encouraged today to prepare your hearts for another […]

Friday Devotional – Thanksgiving

Do you ever wonder how to get closer to God?  Or to be able to pray without ceasing?  I believe it starts with a thankful heart.  When we thank God throughout our day, not only does it help us pray more often, but it also provides a solid foundation of many other prayers.  It’s the […]

Monday Mission – One Kind Word

One kind word.  Everyone is looking for affirmation.  All you have to do this week is give one kind word to everyone you come in contact with.  Then watch for smiles.