Friday Devotions – Resolve
When I was growing up, “New Years Resolutions” seemed to be a much bigger deal than they are today.

Thursday Thoughts - Core Group
Who did Jesus bring with him for the Transfiguration? Matthew 17:1-13.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Gift Card Giveback
Gift card promotions are common - especially during the holidays. A group of Pizza Ranches found an impactful, creative decision to go beyond the norm.

Tuesday Truths - He Gives Strength to the Weary
Isaiah 40: 28-31

Monday Mission - The Lord's Timing
Following God's direction can be difficult. Even when we are sure of our course of action, the timing and the "how" may still be a mystery. King David's direction was certain but his path unknown.

Friday Devotional - Finishing 2023 Well
We are quickly approaching 2024 and all that a new year brings. Resolutions, Biggest Loser for some here, new hopes and dreams for the next 12 months. It’s a good time to hit the reset button and I always look forward to it. For now, however, we can take a few moments to reflect back on 2023. Think about these questions… your responses can be big or small, silly or serious:

Thursday Thoughts-Jesus is the Answer
"Jesus didn't come to tell us the answers to the questions of life, he came to be the answer."--Timothy Keller

Wednesday Stories of Impact--Baby Jesus
This week's story of impact is a foundational one. It's the reminder of the birth of baby Jesus! Jesus was born to set us free and because of His birth we now have hope in eternity with our God in Heaven! The impact of Jesus's birth is the greatest impact story of all, and one in which I hope that you can find meaning in the days, weeks, and year to come! Amen

Tuesday Truth-Great Joy for All People!
10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Monday Mission--Read the Christmas Story
The Monday Mission for this week is to read the Christmas story! My favorite version is from Luke 2! Enjoy reading and have a Merry Christmas! Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash

Friday Devotional – The Reason For the Season
At the 9/11 memorial a few years back, we saw a video of a person looking up at the sky in horror. I could read their lips as they said, “Oh my god.” We also see this happen in movies, TV, and life when we (people) find ourselves in precarious situations. Or when we see an accident about to occur. Even folks who’s movie character does not portray Christ in any way will cry out “Oh god!”

Thursday Thoughts – Working in Paradise
This week we have talked a lot about work. We have discussed how God designed us to work in the garden and commanded us to work in the 10 commandments. But one question I have often pondered is what will work look like in Paradise?