Pizza Ranch Serves

close up image of wheat bending in the wind

Friday Devotional - A Reminder to Fear Not

We've all been through a lot in the past year and a half, some even longer than that. Last year we shared encouragement from God's Word regarding fear. Whether this is a personal struggle of yours or not, God's Word brings us encouragement all the time and we pray this reminder of a devotion we shared in June of 2020 is a blessing to you this week as well.

Thursday Thoughts - Forgiveness

Forgiveness can be tough. It can be easy to verbally express your forgiveness towards someone to break the tension and return to life as it were, but what about real forgiveness?

Wednesday Story of Impact

Amy, a shift manager from the Eldora Pizza Ranch, is also a paraeducator at the local school. She helped make one of her students…

Tuesday Truth - Great is Thy Faithfulness

In times of uncertainty, struggle, and loss God is faithful. In times of prospertity, plenty, and life his is faithful. He is the same…

Monday Mission - Smile

If you are anything like me, sometimes you might find it hard to smile. With the constant division and challenges life throws our way it is easy to get mixed up in the negative emotions our culture fosters.

Pizza Ranch Team Members in "Claire Strong" t-shirts

Wednesday - Stories of Impact - Claire Strong

Claire Yaw, high school senior, and daughter of Chris and Donette Yaw, received some unexpected news this summer when she was diagnosed with leukemia in the middle of June. Certainly not the summer or year they were planning on. Claire is part of our Pizza Ranch family, her mom works for the Pizza Ranch Support Center in Orange City, IA where their family lives.

Cross = Heart (drawn in the sand)

Tuesday Truths - Jesus forgives you

Jesus forgives you for ________. Fill in the blank with whatever comes to your mind. Whether you have a troubled past or just a really bad moment. Jesus can take the guilt, shame, and burden from you.