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Today's Post


Thursday Thoughts

Life can be very difficult at times and none of us would choose the difficulties. It’s during these times we question the “why”.

Wednesday Story of Impact

A recent article in the La Crosse Tribune highlighted Tristen Landers from our Pizza Ranch there. It tells the amazing story of how she overcame addiction, and a felony record to make something better of her life as well as the lives of those around her every day.


Monday Mission - What Holds Your Heart?

Do you ever feel like God is distant or quiet in your life? While there may be many different reasons for this, it may be a good time to reflect upon yourself to see what you are really pursuing in life.

Monday Mission - Rejoice!

Did you know the word "rejoice" and it's similes appear in the Bible over 300 times? Here are a couple examples of how and when…


Friday Devotional

Devotional by Kate Aberson. Have you noticed how sometimes God provides a quick answer to some prayers and a slow answer to others?