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Friday Devotional- Jesus in the Books of 1 & 2 Samuel: King of Kings

These books are called Samuel, not because he’s the author, but because he’s the one that God directed to anoint the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David. The books talk about who these two kings were, how they ended up on the throne, and how they did while leading. But in truth, the books are really about the Ultimate King. We see who God is, what He does, and what life is like with Him or without Him. These books are honest about sin and society, and full of hope and salvation.

Stamped word saying paid

Friday Devotional- Jesus in the Book of Ruth: Paid in Full

What does redeem (redemption) mean? It’s the act of paying off a debt or the act of someone else doing it for you. It’s the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. It can also be the act of being saved from faults, sin, error, or evil. The language of redemption is all over the Book of Ruth. Words built on the root “redeem” appear 23 different times in 4 chapters. The Book of Ruth points us to Jesus, the Ultimate Redeemer, 1,000 years before He was born.

Memorial Day

Monday - Mission Honor

Today is Memorial Day and each year we go to cemetery's to honor our loved ones, Brothers and Sisters that gave their lives for our freedom and protection❤

Samson crushing pillars

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Judges

When we think of Judges, we think of people dressed in black robes sitting in a courtroom. In the Book of Judges however, we need to think of them more as heroes, warriors, military leaders, or champions, even saviors. So, it’s a Book about Biblical heroes; 12 men and women who helped rescue Israel from its oppressors. Heroes like Gideon, Samson and Deborah. These judges were not perfect at it, but when they submitted to what God wanted they did amazing, God glorifying things.