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Leaders Worth Following

Friday Devotional – Leaders Worth Following

When I was growing up there was a TV show called “The Twilight Zone.” It was amazing how the writers could bend and twist the minds of the viewer with the story lines they produced. It was fun to see how it ultimately all turned out. Sometimes I feel that same bend

Bible open to Proverbs.

Monday Mission - Seek Wisdom

Proverbs 9 - The Invitations of Wisdom and Folly Which company are you pursuing? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (v. 10).

Friday Devotional - Philippians 3

Sometimes the best devotional time can come from reading Scripture and discussing it with friends. This is a good way to not only share…


Thursday Thoughts - Perfect Prayer

Have you ever tried explaining your feelings to someone and you just can’t seem to articulate the words in a way to get the other person to understand how you truly felt? Or have you ever told someone a funny story that, to you was hilarious, but to them wasn’t as funny, and then needing to add the statement, “You just had to be there.”

He is the Way

Tuesday Truths - He is the Way

There are some phrases that we hear all the time: Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Follow your heart. These are all great sayings and can be a good pick-me-up statement or motivational quote to start your day.

One Step at a Time

Monday Mission - Small Steps

How are we all doing on our New Year’s Resolutions? Some of us may have made a goal to work out more or lose a certain amount of weight. Others may have wanted to read the Bible more. Maybe there is a relationship that you want to fix this year. Many times, we have great goals in hopes to better ourselves.

What's Your Purpose?

Friday Devotional – What’s Your Purpose?

In my lifetime, I’ve often wondered what my purpose is. Have you ever wondered what yours is? We’ve been slowly walking through the Book of Psalms, and this week (Psalm 57) makes us look a little closer at purpose. In this passage you can find 4 requests of David, 10 reasons for an answer, and 7 resolves to praise God about.