Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission – Faithful Follow-Through

A sentiment that has been on my heart for a few days is that God is a good and faithful God. We see this again and again in Scripture; in the Old Testament, God continues to pull the Israelites out of the muck even when they repeatedly disobey God.

A person reading the bible

Tuesday Truth - Asking for Wisdom

Remember how I indicated in yesterday's devotions that we should seek God's wisdom and help? So, this is how we should approach God regarding anything and everything.

Bible verse text: Colossians 3:13

Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges

If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...