Thursday Thought - Nothing, Not Ever
The other day we touched on the idea that sometimes God is quiet in different seasons of life. I have a friend who has walked a season with God recently where there was great uncertainty.
Wednesday Story of Impact - The Next Generation
Even before labor was a widespread issue, we know that our Pizza Ranches were always on the look-out for some new young people to…
Tuesday Truth - Live in the House of the Lord
Sometimes a word of encouragement means the world to someone. I was thinking about what it means to be with God while still on Earth (not in heaven) and the verse about dwelling in the house of the Lord came to mind.
Monday Mission – Faithful Follow-Through
A sentiment that has been on my heart for a few days is that God is a good and faithful God. We see this again and again in Scripture; in the Old Testament, God continues to pull the Israelites out of the muck even when they repeatedly disobey God.
Friday Devotional - Be a Positive Impact
People need encouragement. To verify this, all we have to do is ask a pastor, Chaplin, counselor…or even a parent.
Thursday Truth- Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak
My kids were required to memorize James 2:19-21 for school a few months ago. At first glance, it appeared to be any other bible verse.
Wednesday Story of Impact - Morton, IL National Earth Day Clean up
National Earth Day was observed on Friday, April 22. The objective of Earth Day is to raise awareness about issues such as pollution and deforestation that threaten the world. We can make our world a better and healthier place to live by participating in activities like picking up trash and planting trees.
Tuesday Truth - Asking for Wisdom
Remember how I indicated in yesterday's devotions that we should seek God's wisdom and help? So, this is how we should approach God regarding anything and everything.
Monday Mission - Keep Pressing Forward
Are you going through a difficult time in your life, whether it's with your family, your marriage, your children, or something else?
Friday Devotional - Bone to Bone
Why did Joseph of Arimathea insist on putting Jesus in his newly purchased tomb?
Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges
If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...
Wednesday Story of Impact - Fond du Lac, WI Pizza Ranch
Last week (April 10-16) was National Telecommunicators Week. The Fond du Lac Pizza Ranch decided to celebrate the week by providing their local 911 Dispatch Center an appreciation meal to show their support for all the Dispatchers do for their community.