Friday Devotional - Overflowing Grace
Sometimes God has to put us in the most lowly, vulnerable positions before we are ready to hear and see what he has prepared for us. Last year I experienced that as I battled through a series of struggles with Depression. At one point my negative thoughts overwhelmed me and I imagined that the world would be better off without me in it. Thankfully, I was honest with my husband and he took me to the local Emergency Room where I received compassionate care that placed me with the professionals who would best help me through my lowest point. It was during a hospitalization that I spent hours and hours in God's Word and began to feel Him once again.

Thursday Thoughts - Sin Entered the World
As a kid growing up, and admittedly even as an adult, I always thought/assumed that evil first entered the world when Adam and Eve…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - 40 Years!
Back on December 21, 1981 Pizza Ranch first opened it's doors and served it's first guest. That means this past December Pizza Ranch turned…

Tuesday Truth - No Escape
There is no escape! God has plans and a calling for each one of us, sometimes that calling or nudge to do something is…

Monday Mission - Daily Devotion
What resolutions do you have for yourself this year? Workout every day? Lose X amount of pounds? Go to bed earlier? While all those…

Friday Devotional - Adoption, It Changes Everything
I’ve always respected folks who adopt children. The idea of changing the trajectory of a child’s life is admirable. It’s so amazing to me that a child becomes a part of a new family and is given all the rights that come with it.

Thursday Thoughts - Comfort
What do you think of when hear comfortable? Here are some things that describe comfortable - cozy, restful, enjoyable, happy, and here is what the Bible says:

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Mobridge Pizza Ranch
Hello Pizza Ranch my name is Marge sheer I'm 71 years old from Nampa Idaho. I would like to tell you about a wonderful lady I met while passing through Mobridge South Dakota. It was getting to be late in the evening when I was coming across the big bridge and my low tire light came on

Tuesday Truths - God's Promises
Today let’s reflect on some of God’s promises:

Monday Mission - Favorite song
One of my favorite songs is Way Maker and sung by so many incredible music artists. This song reminds me of how blessed we

Friday Devotional - Resolve 2.0
Last week we talked about “Resolving” ourselves to make the Lord the main thing this year. To be in His Word, to pray, and to live out our Faith.

Thursday Thought - What If....
What if Jesus was returning to Earth this weekend?