Thursday Thoughts - Romans 10:14
Romans 10:14 "How, then, can they call on the one they believe in?
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Luverne Pizza Ranch
Parades, parades! Per Lila Bauer it has been a busy this summer for parades they have one more yet this summer. The first parade…
Tuesday Truths - Psalms 31:24
Today we look at different Bible translations of this verse, Psalm 31:24. They are all saying to put your hope in the Lord, but with different words. I find this very interesting and hope you do too.
Monday Mission - Relieving Stress
There are a few ways I find comfort when stress creeps in, and one way is to grab my coloring book and color a photo.
Friday Devotional - Don't Give Up!
In my devotions yesterday I was reading out of Psalm 2. It talks about the coming Messiah and what God sees. It was written over 2000 years ago and seems even more relevant today than in Bible times.
Thursday Thought - How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark?
How did Noah and his family survive on the Ark? Many people know the story of Noah's Ark from the Bible. Whether when you were…
Wednesday Story of Impact - North Liberty, IA Pizza Ranch
Positive actions large and small have a big impact
Tuesday Truth - Heroes in the Bible messed up
Not everybody that was a hero in the Bible lived a perfect life.
Monday Mission - See God for who He is this week
Isaiah 33
Friday Devotional - Stop & Pause
In the last month, my family and I have had the opportunity to see so much beauty in this country. We’ve seen fields, hills, valleys, trees, rivers, lakes, mountains, sunsets, and sunrises. I’m thankful to be someone who sees God in all of it. The mornings seem to be my favorite because it’s more of the quiet part of the day for me. The older I get, the earlier I get up simply to enjoy my time alone with God and my cup of coffee.
Thursday Thought - Receiving God's Best for Your Life
Surrendering your life to Jesus plans has always felt a little scary to me. What will he ask of me? Will I have to give up things? What if I don't like the direction he tells me to go? Recently I read a book that challenged me and reminded me of a few key things that helped put my mind at ease.
Wednesday Story of Impact - Wall of Honor
It's always great when community organizations come together and do something to celebrate individuals within their community and state. If you head to the Lisbon, ND Pizza Ranch you'll find a TV playing more than just sports or news.