Pizza Ranch Serves

Kudzu vines taking over a tree

Tuesday Truth - Kudzu Plants

Have you ever heard of the Kudzu plant? Brought to America from Asia in the early 19th Century, this fast-growing vine was considered an invasive species. The plant is able to grow up to a foot a day and monopolizes resources around it to allow for such accelerated growth.

3 sunflowers in a field

Monday Mission - Buy the Birdseed

Last spring as the winter snow began to melt off our deck, my husband approached me with a proposition – “I think we should get some bird feeders for our deck.” My initial response was skeptical. My mind raced with a million doubts. But my husband has a passion for animals, so I swallowed my doubts and let him buy and set up the bird feeders…

people laying hands in prayer

Friday Devotional - Praying for Others

There’s seldom a day that goes by where at least one of us is not struggling with some sort of need or problem. We all struggle with life from time to time and are all in need of prayer. The great news is that we gain strength as believers by bringing it and handing it over to God. A true blessing that most people jump on. But there’s another way we gain strength, and that’s by having others pray for us.